Source code for odt.odtredactor

from src.odt.enum.styles import Styles
from import Style
from src.odt.enum.annotation import Annotation
from src.odt.enum.namespaces import NameSpaces

import zipfile
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

from typing import Union

[docs] class ODTRedactor: """Class for working with ODT documents""" def __init__(self, path_input: str, path_output: str, encoding: str = "UTF-8", datafile: str = 'content.xml') -> None: self.path_input = path_input self.path_output = path_output = self.__load_file(path_input) self.stringroot = self.__get_root(, filename=datafile, encoding=encoding)
[docs] def save_file(self) -> None: """Function for saving a file"""['content.xml'] = bytes(ET.tostring(self.stringroot, encoding="UTF-8", xml_declaration=True, default_namespace=None)) with zipfile.ZipFile(self.path_output, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zip_file: for file, data in zip_file.writestr(file, data)
[docs] def add_comment_by_text(self, text: str, text_annotation: str, author: str = "Lisa") -> None: """ :param text: The text by which the paragraph to be commented on will be found :param text_annotation: Annotation contents :param author: Name of the author of the annotation """ for paragraph in self.stringroot.iter(Styles.PARAGRAPH): if text in self.__get_text_from_children(paragraph): annotation = Annotation( text_annotation=text_annotation, author=author ) paragraph.insert(0, annotation.get_start()) paragraph.append( annotation.get_end() ) break
[docs] def delete_comment_by_id(self, name_id: Union[int, str]) -> None: """ :param name_id: name_id of the annotation to be deleted """ name_id = str(name_id) for p in self.stringroot.iter(Styles.PARAGRAPH): for i in p.iter(Styles.ANNOTATION): if name_id == i.attrib[NameSpaces.XML+'id']: id = i.attrib[NameSpaces.OFFICE+'name'] p.remove(i) break for p in self.stringroot.iter(Styles.PARAGRAPH): for i in p.iter(Styles.SPAN): ann = i.find(Styles.ANNOTATION_END) if isinstance(ann, ET.Element) and ann.attrib[NameSpaces.OFFICE+'name'] == id: p.remove(i) break
[docs] def edit_style_by_text(self, text: str, font_name: str, font_size: int, color, style_name=None, family: str = "text") -> None: """ :param text: the text for which the paragraph will be searched :param font_name: new name of the font :param font_size: new font size :param color: new paragraph color :param name: The name of the new style. In case the argument is not passed, it is generated automatically :param family: The family of the style from which the main features of the style are inherited """ automatic_styles = self.stringroot.find(Styles.AUTOMATIC_STYLE) for paragraph in self.stringroot.iter(Styles.PARAGRAPH): if text in self.__get_text_from_children(paragraph): for span in paragraph.iter(tag=Styles.SPAN): style = Style( data=self.stringroot, font_name=font_name, font_size=font_size, color=color, parent_style_name=span.attrib[Styles.STYLE_NAME], name=style_name, family=family, text_position=None ) parent_style = self.__get_style(span.attrib[Styles.STYLE_NAME]) properties = next(parent_style.iter(Styles.TEXT_PROPERTIES)) if Styles.TEXT_POSITION in properties.keys(): style.text_position = properties.attrib[Styles.TEXT_POSITION] automatic_styles.append( style.create_element_style() ) span.attrib[Styles.STYLE_NAME] = break
def __get_style(self, name: str) -> ET.Element: """A helper method that returns a style object by name""" automatic_styles = self.stringroot.find(Styles.AUTOMATIC_STYLE) for i in automatic_styles.iter(Styles.STYLE): if i.attrib[NameSpaces.STYLE+'name'] == name: return i @staticmethod def __get_root(data, filename, encoding): return ET.fromstring(data[filename].decode(encoding)) @staticmethod def __load_file(path) -> None: """Function for loading a file by path""" with zipfile.ZipFile(path, 'r') as zip_ref: file_data = {} for file in zip_ref.namelist(): with as f: file_data[file] = return file_data @staticmethod def __get_text_from_children(paragraph) -> str: """An helper method that returns text from children objects""" return ' '.join(filter(None, [paragraph.text] + [i.text for i in paragraph.iter(Styles.SPAN)]))