Source code for exceptions.docx_exceptions

[docs] class NotSupportedFormat(Exception): """ The error called when you input a file name of non-docx format. """ def __init__(self, filename: str = 'file you open') -> None: super().__init__(f'The \'{filename}\' should be .docx')
[docs] class ImpossibleColor(Exception): """ The error called when you try to input rgb-color with values not in range (0, 255) """ def __init__(self, rgb: tuple) -> None: super().__init__(f'Color {rgb} is impossible, values should be 0-255')
[docs] class ParagraphNotFound(Exception): """ The error called when you input paraId of a non-exists Paragraph """ def __init__(self, paraId: str) -> None: super().__init__(f'Paragraph with paraId \'{paraId}\' not found')
[docs] class ParagraphDoesNotContainNumPr(Exception): """ The error called when you try to replace num-value for paragraph, which doesn't have num """ def __init__(self, paraId: str) -> None: super().__init__(f'Paragraph with paraId \'{paraId}\' does not contain numPr')
[docs] class ILvlDoesNotExist(Exception): """ The error called when you try created ilvl with number not from range [0; 8] """ def __init__(self, num: int): super().__init__(f'Ilvl with number \'{num}\' can\'t be created (range 0-8)')
[docs] class FileDoesNotContainXMLFile(Exception): """ The error called when you try to edit any files in DOCX-file, that doesn't exist in DOCX-archive Example: you try edit any comment, but DOCX-archive doesn't contain comments.xml """ def __init__(self, path: str, file: str): super().__init__(f'DOCX-archive \'{path}\' doesn\'t contain file \'{file}\'')
[docs] class IncorrectILvlMarkingDict(Exception): """ The error called when program try to get indentations from custom ilvl_marking-dict by Non-existent level Example: you specified 8 levels in abstractNum, but ilvl_marking-dict contains only 7 values """ def __init__(self, ind: int): super().__init__(f'Your ilvl_marking-dict doesn\'t contain key \'{ind}\'')
[docs] class InvalidAttributeKey(Exception): """ The error called when you try to get value of attribute, that doesn't exist """ def __init__(self, tag: str, key: str): super().__init__(f'Element with tag \'{tag}\' doesn\'t have attribute with key \'{key}\'')