import zipfile
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import atexit
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, ElementTree
from typing import Union, Tuple, Dict, List
from src.exceptions.docx_exceptions import *
from src.docx.enum.schemas import schemas
class XMLRedactor:
For correct work this class you should edit xml.etree.ElementTree
replace 862 line on : "return qnames, _namespace_map"
Else DOCX-file after editing will contain wrong namespace
def __init__(self, path: str):
if len(path) < 5 or len(path) > 255:
raise NameError(
f'\'{path}\' can\'t be open'
if path[-5:] != '.docx':
raise NotSupportedFormat(
self.path: str = path
self._temp_dir: str = tempfile.mkdtemp()
self.encoding: str = 'utf-8'
def __rm_temp_dir(self):
Remove temp directory, when program is interrupted
if self._temp_dir:
shutil.rmtree(self._temp_dir, ignore_errors=True)
def __attrib(self, element: Element, key: str) -> str:
return element.attrib[key]
except KeyError as _ke:
raise InvalidAttributeKey(element.tag, key)
def __extract_files(self):
Extracting files in temp directory
with zipfile.ZipFile(self.path, 'r') as zr:
def __get_ilvl_marking(self) -> Dict[int, Tuple[int, int]]:
Getting default ilvl marking
return {
0: (720, 360),
1: (1440, 360),
2: (2160, 360),
3: (2880, 360),
4: (3600, 360),
5: (4320, 360),
6: (5040, 360),
7: (5760, 360),
8: (6480, 360)
def __get_tree(self, path: str) -> ElementTree:
return ET.parse(os.path.join(self._temp_dir, 'word', path))
except FileNotFoundError as _fe:
raise FileDoesNotContainXMLFile(self.path, path)
def save(self, path: str = None):
Save changes to files
:param path: path to new files
if path is None:
path = self.path
with zipfile.ZipFile(path, 'w') as zw:
for folder, sub_folder, file_names in os.walk(self._temp_dir):
for file_name in file_names:
file_path = os.path.join(folder, file_name)
zw.write(file_path, os.path.relpath(file_path, self._temp_dir))
def add_new_abstract_and_num(self, list_style: bool = True, levels_count: int = 1,
bullet_symbol: str = '•',
custom_ilvl_marking: Dict[int, Tuple[int, int]] = None) -> int:
This function added new abstractNum and num
list_style -- True: decimal, False: bullet
Return id of new Num-object
for k, v in schemas.to_namespace.items():
ET.register_namespace(k, v)
tree = self.__get_tree('numbering.xml')
root = tree.getroot()
max_abstract = -1
max_num = 0
if not (0 <= levels_count <= 8):
raise ILvlDoesNotExist(levels_count)
if custom_ilvl_marking is None:
custom_ilvl_marking = self.__get_ilvl_marking()
for abstract_num in root.iter(f'{{{schemas.w}}}abstractNum'):
max_abstract = max(max_abstract, int(abstract_num.attrib[f'{{{schemas.w}}}abstractNumId']))
for num in root.iter(f'{{{schemas.w}}}num'):
max_num = max(max_num, int(num.attrib[f'{{{schemas.w}}}numId']))
insert_abstract = ET.Element(f'{{{schemas.w}}}abstractNum', {
f'{{{schemas.w}}}abstractNumId': str(max_abstract + 1),
f'{{{schemas.w15}}}restartNumberingAfterBreak': '0'
insert_abstract.append(ET.Element(f'{{{schemas.w}}}multiLevelType', {
f'{{{schemas.w}}}val': 'hybridMultilevel'
for i in range(levels_count):
insert_abstract.append(self.__create_ilvl(list_style, i, bullet_symbol,
except KeyError as _ke:
raise IncorrectILvlMarkingDict(i)
insert_num = ET.Element(f'{{{schemas.w}}}num', {
f'{{{schemas.w}}}numId': str(max_num + 1),
f'{{{schemas.w16cid}}}durableId': '0'
insert_num.append(ET.Element(f'{{{schemas.w}}}abstractNumId', {
f'{{{schemas.w}}}val': str(max_abstract + 1)
root.insert(len(root.findall(f'.//{{{schemas.w}}}abstractNum')), insert_abstract)
tree.write(os.path.join(self._temp_dir, 'word', 'numbering.xml'), xml_declaration=True,
return max_num + 1
def __create_ilvl(self, is_decimal: bool, i_lvl: int = 0, bullet_symbol: str = '•',
ilvl_marking: Tuple[int, int] = None) -> Element:
Create ilvl-Element for new abstractNum
i_lvl = ET.Element(f'{{{schemas.w}}}lvl', {f'{{{schemas.w}}}ilvl': str(i_lvl)})
i_lvl.append(ET.Element(f'{{{schemas.w}}}start', {f'{{{schemas.w}}}val': '1'}))
{f'{{{schemas.w}}}val': 'decimal' if is_decimal else 'bullet'}))
{f'{{{schemas.w}}}val': '%1.' if is_decimal else bullet_symbol}))
i_lvl.append(ET.Element(f'{{{schemas.w}}}lvlJc', {f'{{{schemas.w}}}val': 'left'}))
temp_lem = ET.Element(f'{{{schemas.w}}}pPr')
{f'{{{schemas.w}}}left': str(ilvl_marking[0]), f'{{{schemas.w}}}hanging': str(ilvl_marking[1])}
temp_lem = ET.Element(f'{{{schemas.w}}}rPr')
{f'{{{schemas.w}}}hint': 'default'}))
return i_lvl
def edit_list_style_by_paraIds(self, paraIds: Union[List[str], str],
new_num: Union[str, int]):
Replace the numId to newNum of all specified paragraphs
:param paraIds: One or many paraIds, which we replace numId
:param new_num: New numId
:return: None
if isinstance(paraIds, str):
paraIds = [paraIds]
for k, v in schemas.to_namespace.items():
ET.register_namespace(k, v)
tree = self.__get_tree('document.xml')
root = tree.getroot()
for paragraph in root.iter(f'{{{schemas.w}}}p'):
if self.__attrib(paragraph, f'{{{schemas.w14}}}paraId') in paraIds:
cnt = 0
for num in paragraph.iter(f'{{{schemas.w}}}numId'):
num.attrib[f'{{{schemas.w}}}val'] = str(new_num)
cnt += 1
if cnt == 0:
raise KeyError()
except KeyError as _ke:
raise ParagraphDoesNotContainNumPr(paragraph.attrib[f'{{{schemas.w14}}}paraId'])
tree.write(os.path.join(self._temp_dir, 'word', 'document.xml'), xml_declaration=True,
def get_all_para_attributes(self) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
Get all paragraphs in word/document.xml with their attributes
:return: List of attributes with their values
tree = self.__get_tree('document.xml')
root = tree.getroot()
paragraphs = []
for paragraph in root.iter(f'{{{schemas.w}}}p'):
return paragraphs