Source code for src.algorithms.TextComparator

# importing standard libraries
import string

# importing external libraries
import nltk'stopwords')
from nltk.corpus import stopwords

# getting stopwords
stop_words = stopwords.words('russian')
# getting punctuation marks
punctuation_marks = string.punctuation

# a class for working with texts
[docs] class TextComparator:
[docs] @staticmethod def count_percent_of_transformed_words(input_text_before_changing, input_text_after_changing): global stop_words, punctuation_marks if type(input_text_before_changing) != str or type(input_text_after_changing) != str: raise TypeError("Input must be a strings") # getting all the words of the text tokens = [] for sentence in input_text_before_changing, input_text_after_changing: split_text = sentence.lower().split() words_of_text = [] for part_of_text in split_text: if part_of_text not in stop_words: part_of_text_without_punctuation_marks = '' for p in part_of_text: if p not in punctuation_marks: part_of_text_without_punctuation_marks += p words_of_text.append(part_of_text_without_punctuation_marks) tokens.append(words_of_text) words_of_text_before_changing = tokens[0] words_of_text_after_changing = tokens[1] # criterion 1: number of added words count_of_added_words = 0 for word in words_of_text_after_changing: if word not in words_of_text_before_changing: count_of_added_words += 1 # criterion 2: number of deleted words count_of_deleted_words = 0 for word in words_of_text_before_changing: if word not in words_of_text_after_changing: count_of_deleted_words += 1 return round(((count_of_added_words + count_of_deleted_words) / ( len(words_of_text_after_changing) + len(words_of_text_before_changing))) * 100, 2)